When I arrived in Zion after work, one sister welcomed me and said she saw me going to work during the day. I don’t remember seeing her, but she did see me.
At that moment, I got to look back how I felt on the way to work.
Some time ago, when I was on my way to Zion with full of anger and grumble with work, two schoolboys were staring at me in front of the elevator.
While I didn't even see them carefully, having a side-glance of displeasure, they saw me and greeted, saying “God bless you.” Being embarrassed that moment, I also greeted them immediately.
It made me feel so shame to know they are our brothers in Zion.
A few days ago, I preached to a missionary after Third-Day worship. The following day when I was preaching on Elohim Academy, one elder came to me and told me some examples saying, ‘I saw you preaching about the Tithe and there are some good words related to that topic.’ I was very thankful but then again, I was very surprised.
I didn't expect he had his eyes on my preaching, since he was cleaning up the sanctuary at that time.
It suddenly occurred to me that I should always be careful of my behavior at anytime and anywhere. Even though we behave as we please thinking no one is around, it is possible someone could see us. Thinking the glory of Heavenly Mother could be dishonored; I could not help but reform myself.
If we always behave properly with a smile despite there is no one who appreciates us, I am pretty sure this could become a custom, which could glorify our God at all times.
Actually God the Mother gave us Teachings of Mother not to burden us but change us to lead kingdom of heaven.
Now, WMSCOG members are practicing good deeds to glorify Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.
as Christian who believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother, i will follow Heavenly Mother's teaching !
They may see our good deeds and glorify our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother,Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.