2013년 6월 18일 화요일

The Kingdom of Heaven with Both Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother !

As a family on this earth consists of a father, a mother, sons and daughters, so the heavenly family consists of   Father, Mother, sons and daughters. A home, where the members of a family live together, is a place of love and happiness. Isn't the kingdom of heaven a place of eternal rest where there is extreme love and happiness? 
When there are God the Father, God the Mother, and God's loving sons and daughters in the kingdom of heaven, then we can say it is a world of endless joy, pleasure and happiness.

i want to go to the Kingdom of Heaven with Both Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother !

An Empty House without Mom

When I got home after work, my mom wasnt there as usual.
Whenever I arrived home after work, and opened the door, she would say,
"You did well today. How was it?”
As I always have heard her voice speaking a word or two,
I felt strange not seeing my mom welcoming me.
Though I knew where she went, I couldnt help myself to feel sad.
The empty house without mom made a cold atmosphere.
When I called her, she said she was on the way home and will arrive in ten minutes.
All by myself, I waited for ten minutes. It seemed that it took such a long time for her to come.
I guess that is why a house is a place where mom is.
I think it would be the same when we go back to our Heavenly home.
Mom is the name of existence that is warm and cozy.
There was a time when a member asked me a question.
"If Heaven does not exist, would you still believe in God?”
‘How could God exist when Heaven does not?’
I thought to myself.
However, the members words really made me feel embarrassed.
"Don’t we have to believe in God even if Heaven does not exist? Isn't it natural for the children to believe in their Father and follow their Mother?”
She was absolutely right.
Our beautiful Heavenly home, which cannot be described with human words...

Since Heavenly Mother is there, that place becomes my home, and I can enjoy the rest and peace for my soul.

There is no Kingdom of Heaven without God the Mother.

댓글 7개:

  1. when i arrived at home after working,if there's nobody i feel so gloomy Likewise,without heavenly mother,kingdom of heaven is nothing.

  2. When we call home, we call it sweet home
    Why we call sweet home?
    Who make it sweet?
    Mom makes home sweet and warm

  3. God the Father and God the Mother give us eternal life through the new covenant Passover. so we can go back to the kingdom of heaven.

  4. The story helps me to understand your writing. Family consists of father, children and definitely mother but without mother children cannot exist. Mother cares about everything that happens in and out of the house and controls. God the mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong are taking care of us in the World Mission Society Church of God.

  5. When I was young, my mom went to work because she had a job so every evening I was waiting her. I think home become a sweet place because of mom. Like as I love my mom, I love Heavenly Mother.

  6. Who can understand the love n sacrifice of mother on the earth?
    When women become a mother, can understand the heart of mother
    When men become a father, can understand the heart of father
    How hard they are taking care of us?
    thanks to father ahnsahnghong n heavenly mother

  7. As an empty house without Mom make me feel empty, In heaven without Heavenly our Mother, There must be empty. Heavenly Mother... must exist!!
